2017 Webinars and Lectures

January 26, 2017

2017 Lectures and Webinars

WMAN Hot Topic and Skill-Building Webinars and Lectures 2017

3-Part Series:  Intro to Creating Winning Advocacy Videos | Thursday, January 26,  Tuesday, January 31, and Thursday, February 9, 2017, 11:00 am-Noon Pacific Time

Middle schoolers dream of being a YouTube star. They – and you – know that short videos are an ever more popular and powerful communications tool for bringing our issues, and the people behind them, to life. In this first of three trainings, you will learn about content strategy – how to focus in on the right storylines and characters to produce an issue advocacy video that people will watch all the way to the end and then share with their friends. In the next hour-long session on Jan. 31, we’ll demystify the technology (hint: some of it is in your pocket or purse already!). On Feb. 9 we’ll share video distribution tips and tricks for getting your winning video in front of the people who need to hear your message.

To inquire about participation, contact Mary at: wmancoordinator@outlook.com

Writing a slam-dunk op-ed | Wednesday, March 15, 2017, Noon-1:00 pm Pacific Time

The humble op-ed remains an effective arrow in the quiver of tools for influencing the public discourse landscape and the themes, stories and facts in media around an issue or campaign. A good column can create some buzz among decision-makers and become part of the online content others can draw on to inform subsequent coverage. In this webinar we’ll look at the approaches to writing an op-ed that will appeal to editors and be persuasive with your audience. Julie Dixon from Resource Media will hone in on critical aspects such as the opening, closing, tone, and dealing with opponents – including pitfalls to avoid and techniques to employ. Liz Banse will also discuss letters to the editor.

To inquire about participation, contact Mary at: wmancoordinator@outlook.com

Cut through the noise: Message development 101 | Wednesday, April 19, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Pacific Time

A message is a statement intended to influence the opinions or actions of a target audience. Compelling messages tend to have three elements: shared core values, a credible threat to those values and a simple, commonsense solution. Famous, enduring speeches, even endlessly long political campaigns, or your kid’s pitch to encourage you to buy them an American Girl Doll, all include – if they’re good! – a persuasive message at the heart of their presentation. Without a clear, consistent message, it’s impossible to break through the noise in today’s information-overloaded society. In this webinar Resource Media will walk WMAN members through how to develop an overarching message about your issue, and how to fine-tune that message for specific allies and decision makers. We will also provide guidelines for how to pick imagery and spokespeople that can carry and reinforce your message.

Media relations | Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time

This will be an introductory-level session on communicating with reporters to pitch or influence a story. What types of outreach approaches are at your disposal? How to decide among a press release, a tailored pitch email, or a rapid response statement? What are the best practices for composing these different pieces for different outlets to maximize chances for coverage that also incorporates your messaging? Liz Banse from Resource Media will share with you the nuts and bolts of media relations, and provide a Q&A session to also address your particular questions and challenges.

To inquire about participation, contact Mary at: wmancoordinator@outlook.com

Storytelling on Policy | Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time

Brain science shows that we make decisions based on feelings, not facts. Turning facts into narratives that evoke emotions is a way to make your work more resonant, and relevant, to audiences ranging from policymakers to supporters. In this training on powerful and persuasive storytelling, Liz Banse from Resource Media will share ways to include narrative elements in your communications on mining, from presentations to PowerPoints to reports.

To inquire about participation, contact Mary at: wmancoordinator@outlook.com

Infographics | Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time

Infographics have become a popular tool for helping people visualize complex data. Indeed, they are a great way to crystallize the findings from a lengthy report into a single clear visual with just the top highlights of data, comparisons, etc. But, too often organizations spend money hiring designers to do infographics that are too complex, or miss the forest for the trees. In this webinar, Resource Media will share best practices around the use of infographics, analyze a series of good and bad infographics to help us move from good to great, and walk WMAN members through a case study of a successful infographic release. You’ll also learn useful tips like:

· Creative approaches to translating numbers into concepts to which people can relate

· Best practices for making it easy for others to share your infographic on social media, and

·  How to easily track results from your outreach efforts.

Mount Polley Expert Panel: TSF Failures & Perpetual Water Treatment | Tuesday, June 20, 11:00 am-Noon Mountain Time

The Mt. Polley Expert Panel made some surprisingly strong recommendations about Tailings Storage Facility closures.  Putting safety ahead of cost considerations was not an unexpected recommendation, but doing away with wet closures, even if that means perpetual water treatment, was surprising.  Why did the Expert Panel make this recommendation?”  Join Dr. David Chambers of CSP2 to find out why.

Dr. Chambers is the founder and president of the Center for Science in Public Participation (CSP2), a non-profit corporation formed to provide technical assistance on mining and water quality to public interest groups and tribal governments. He has  has 40 years of experience in mineral exploration and development – 15 years of technical and management experience in the mineral exploration industry, and for the past 25 years he has served as an advisor on the environmental effects of mining projects both nationally and internationally.   Dr. Chambers has a Professional Engineering Degree in Physics from the Colorado School of Mines, a Master of Science Degree in Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and is a registered professional geophysicist in California.

To view this presentation, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGj2dtVqlW8

Out-think your opponents on strategic communication | Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017, Noon-Mountain Time

Early, sharp planning for communications is critical for any campaign to make the most of limited resources. In this webinar, Liz Banse from Resource Media will teach a methodology for developing a campaign communications plan by walking through case studies that will help participants learn the steps and analysis involved regardless of the issue. Participants will come away with an approach and outline they can put right to use.

8 best practices in graphic design and layout | Thursday, Dec. 14, 2 p.m. Mountain time

First impressions matter. The design of every online or printed material you push out is part of that instant first impression of your organization. Whether you are in charge of design, or you get to give input to the person who does that within your group, we will walk you through eight best practices that you can pull out of your back pocket during your next review session. You’ll be lookin’ good after this webinar!

To inquire about participation in our webinars, contact Mary at: wmancoordinator@outlook.com

To find tip sheets on communications, from op-ed writing to media relations, please visit Resource Media’s Toolbox page at: http://www.resource-media.org/toolbox/

Western Mining Action Network c/o Western Organization of Resource Councils
220 S. 27th Street, Suite B, Billings, MT 59101

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